We at the Christian church know that the greatest tool that God has given us in this world is prayer, and so, as the apostle Paul said we, "pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17).


To that end we have a Prayer Chain in which a church member prays for a person's need and then phones another member who also prays on down the line to the end of the prayer chain.


We also have our Prayer List which we update each week during the Sunday morning worship service. This is a list of people whose needs are to be kept in prayer and the progress of their prayer need is updated for the whole congregation.


If you would like to be added to the Prayer Chain or the Prayer List you may email us, or phone us.


While we may or may not know the name of the person for whom we pray God always does. Therefore, prayer concerns can be made publicly or anonymously, whichever is most comfortable for you.

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Thanks for visiting our website. We hope the next time we see you  will be on Sunday morning worshiping beside us.


Christian Church Of Connellsville

212 South Pittsburgh St.

Connellsville, PA 15425


Phone: 724-628-3802

Fax: 724-628-3803


    Email: disciples1st@yahoo.com

Emaill2: christianchurchofconnellsville@gmail.com